Thursday, January 9, 2014

15 Billionaire Benefactor World Rescue

Being famous and having abundant wealth does not necessarily make them arrogant. Precisely with riches, they could do something to save the world.

This is done by 15 of the world's billionaires wealth. They do not waste their wealth to buy cars, houses, planes, or even bought the island to live or even to rent out. They are actually giving tens to hundreds of millions of dollars for the prosperity of the world.

1. Larry Ellison. Oracle boss is indeed versatile in his life. In addition to having a car, home, airplanes, to have the Island of Hawaii, Ellison is indeed a generous person. He has a foundation Ellison Medical Foundation, which focuses healed people with Alzheimer's disease (dementia) and arthritis (joint inflammation). This foundation gives grants about 70 times. Last year alone, he donated 46.5 million U.S. dollars (U.S. $ 465 billion).

2. Bill Gates. Institutions through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Microsoft founder has donated approximately U.S. $ 3.3 billion (nearly U.S. $ 32 billion) fortune to solve the world's problems, such as polio eradication, poverty alleviation programs, to improving education in the nation. Crazy idea, he dared to give $ 100,000 to anyone who is able to make condoms for people interested in wearing it.

3. Paul Allen. One of the founders of Microsoft, this is known as a person who has a lavish lifestyle. However, he has donated half a billion dollars to the Allen Institute for research on the brain. The institution will learn how the brain works with the aim of curing Alzheimer's disease. The final goal of this agency is able to mimic the human brain and build machines that can exceed human intelligence.

4. Peter Thiel. Venture capital company owner who achieved great success after the Facebook IPO has the focus to finance medical research so that people can live up to 150 years or more. Through the Thiel Foundation, it focuses on anti-aging project, even focusing on the foundations that protect journalists and foundations are related to human rights.

5. Laurene Powell Jobs. Wife of the late founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, it has an estimated fortune of 10.7 billion U.S. dollars. The wealth derived from her husband's legacy while leading Apple first. Yet Jobs himself wealth in Disney stock could double his wealth than at Apple. For decades, the widow of Steve Jobs has become an advocate for immigration reform and education. He also has a non-profit organization since 1997, and helped take care of poor children to get the school up to college. He also runs a foundation of Emerson Collective, which provide social assistance to entrepreneurs and education leaders, as well as supporting non-profit organizations belonging to Ben Affleck, the Eastern Congo Initiative.

6. Sergey Brin. One of the founders of Google's focus donate his wealth to help cure Parkinson's disease (a disease that causes nerve damage in the brain). Together with his wife, Anne Wojcicki, the pair made a blog about how her mother had Parkinson's disease and how to cure her of the serious illnesses. Wojcicki also founded 23andMe genetic test that focus on Parkinson's disease. He donated about 95 million dollars to the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research. The pair also donated 190 million dollars to support social issues, human rights, to have a non-profit organization serving families in Northern California.

7. Jeff Bezos. Amazon's boss donated 10 million U.S. dollars for the development of innovation centers in the Seattle Museum. He and his wife also donated 15 million dollars to Princeton University to examine the problems of the brain and provide 2.5 million U.S. dollars for the marriage equality campaign. In addition to focusing on education, they are also the focus of his wealth to donate about 10 million U.S. dollars to the Seattle Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

8. Michael Dell. The founder of the computer company Dell's focus on running the charity dedicated to helping the urban poor children. Together with his wife, the Foundation donated 50 million U.S. dollars for a new medical school at the University of Texas and 10 million dollars for public health programs in the city of Texas.

9. Marc Benioff. boss is donating 100 million dollars to 180 beds at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. They also support homeless charities, especially those helping the homeless single mothers. Benioff also created a model 1-1-1 for philanthropic activities. This model requires that each company would donate some percentage of business profits, stock, and employee time to non-profit activities.

10. Dustin Moskovitz. One of the founders of Facebook is now building a startup company Asana who want to liberate the world from diseases of poverty. Together foundation, Good Ventures, the agency donate funds recommended by GiveWell, a nonprofit that managed his girlfriend, a former reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Search Tuna. Good Ventures is donated about $ 4 million to combat malaria, parasitic worms heal disease, and social issues such as marriage equality campaign.

11. Hasso Plattner. SAP's founder donated $ 35 million to the Institute of Design at Stanford University. He also gave 265 million dollars to the Hasso Plattner Institute, which focuses on software design company. He also helped focus the activities related to fundraising AIDS worldwide.

12. Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook founder donates 18 million Facebook shares valued at 500 million U.S. dollars to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation which focuses on education and health issues.

13. David Duffield. One of the founders of this workday has Maddies Foundation Funds that focus fund research and treatment to an animal shelter.

14. Sheryl Sandberg. One Direction on Facebook this is not bragging about the donation fund. In fact, he also reportedly donated 429,184 shares in Facebook in December, or $ 12 million dollars at this point. However, Sheryl reluctant to explain who the recipient of the donation wealth. He also focused on resolving issues and helping women in the philanthropic activities.

15. Pierre Omidyar. EBay's founder has a foundation with his wife, HopeLab, which focus on developing technology to help children who are critically ill. This couple donated 74.5 million dollars in 2011 for a variety of charities, human rights, and helping to abolish slavery throughout the world.

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